The outdoor adventure world has changed. These days, there are more expectations and regulations on tour operators, outdoor centres, education providers and not-for-profits.
If you want professional help, please explore what Alpha Outdoors can do for you:
Review + Develop your programmes, strategies and culture.
Train + Mentor your managers, leaders and teams.
Look forward to working with you.
Bruce Conway is widely respected across NZ. He is known in the deep south through his former Alpha Outdoors roles as outdoor educator for school camps, EOTC trainer for Otago University College of Education (Southland Campus), Outdoor Recreation tutor for SIT degree, diploma and certificate programmes, and as the pioneer of the iconic Paddles Up inter-school fun kayaking event.
From 2004-2011, Bruce was NZ Director of Camps for SU Youth responsible for overseeing 30 adventure camps around NZ and for coordinating the training of 300 volunteer leaders. In addition, he has worked successfully as an adviser/trainer with national bodies such as Skills Active, NZOIA, A Rocha, MSC and CCNZ.
Since stepping back from full-time outdoor education, he keeps current by serving on the Adventure Specialties board and helping with SUNZ youth camps.
Bruce is available to work with the staff and management of schools, tertiary institutions, adventure tourism operators and youth organisations to enhance their ability to deliver quality learning and outdoor experiences.
Bruce has a wealth of experience in Education Outside the Classroom, Adventure Education, Environmental Education and Leadership Development. He formerly held multiple NZOIA instructor qualifications (Rock/Abseil 1, Bush 2, Whitewater Kayak 1, Sea Kayak 1) and was an assessor for both NZOIA and Skills Active.

Your educational establishment, adventure tourism operation, outdoor centre or youth organisation can now take advantage of his expertise and collaborative style, and of his NZ networks.
Review and Develop
Alpha Outdoors has a wealth of experience with outdoor programmes, leadership development, staff training, adventure tourism and youth work.
- Facilitate a review of your programmes and culture.
- Develop sound policy, effective strategies and ongoing evaluation.
- Produce learning resources and safety material.
Can you answer ‘Yes’ to these programme, safety & culture questions?
- Does your organisation have a good framework for delivering its desired outcomes?
- Does it align with best practice and sound research?
- Do your programmes meet the needs of your local and international participants?
- Do all your activities come under an up-to-date safety & care system?
Train and Mentor
Alpha Outdoors has a successful record of growing leaders in the outdoor pursuits, adventure tourism, youth work and workplace development fields.
- Mentor managers and key leaders.
- Engaging experiential activities to develop leadership and bring everyone ‘on-board’ with desired outcomes and best practice.
- Innovative front-loading to develop group cohesion and build effective teams.
- Creative debriefing sessions to maximise learning and personal growth
Can you answer ‘Yes’ to these leadership and training questions?
- Do all your adventure programme staff, youth leaders, contractors and volunteers understand the ‘big picture’?
- Does your workplace or sports team work together effectively?
- Are your youth teams properly prepared, when they head overseas or around NZ on cultural or service projects?
- Has your adventure programmes coordinator got access to appropriate professional advice?
- Do your key staff get regular mentoring?
Download the Alpha Outdoors consultancy flyer (PDF 1MB) Adventure & Leadership consultancy